Enabling Safety-Critical Scaffolding Works
Alltask Environmental services provided a solution in line with current government guidance on distancing and hygiene for COVID-19, to enable safety-critical scaffold works to continue.
Certain phases of the work meant that two-meter distancing could not be maintained, so the personnel selected to undertake these phases of work were face fitted and issued respirators with P3 filters, nitrile gloves, and disposable type 5/6 coveralls. As most tradesmen are unfamiliar with the use and maintenance of the RPE and PPE issued, we supplied an Alltask Environmental Services supervisor to chaperone the work party.
The supervisor ensured staggered breaks were planned to ensure they were able to clean the high contact areas of the welfare facilities before and after each use, using an approved EN14476 viricidal disinfectant. The assessment for WAH took into account the grip and familiarity with the standard work boot, and it was agreed that our chaperone would clean boots at the end of the shift with the viricidal disinfectant, which is effective within five minutes. The ‘controlled’ work was completed in the same timeframe as the ‘non-controlled’ work, under the watchful eye of our chaperone.