Our Commitment to Health & Safety
At Alltask, our goal is to ensure world-class health, safety and environmental standards are met in everything that we do.
Every person who is involved or affected by our business activities is encouraged to look out for one another and the welfare of others and the environment is of high personal value to our business, whether it’s scaffolding, thermal insulation, asbestos management or environmental services that you require.
It’s because our staff, customers, and the public's health, safety and wellbeing are of the utmost importance to us, that we developed our 'Aim for Zero' safety campaign, which sits at the heart of our business process.

Aim for Zero - Health & Safety Campaign
'Aim for Zero' was launched in 2015 with the goal of completely eradicating hazards, accidents and anything else which may have a detrimental effect on physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace.
It’s a campaign which supports the position we call an Alltask Black Hat. This is a nominated person at the project level with full autonomy to stop work immediately, to measure, minimise and control hazards and non-compliance at the workplace. The initiative shows our staff how to protect one another and the environment at all times, on every scaffolding, insulation, asbestos or environmental project we carry out.
Making Safety Personal
Alltask has also developed its own Digital Real-Time Information System, which has integrated health, safety, environmental, quality processes, and key performance indicators.
We are confident that our system will allow us to take our health and safety management to an unprecedented level in all of the services we provide.
Talk to us
Whatever your scaffolding, insulation or asbestos requirements and regardless of how big or complicated your project, talk to us today so we can find out more about your project and what we can do to help.