Ridham Dock Biomass Facility

Alltask Insulation Ridham Dock

Ridham Dock Biomass Plant, located in the UK, started operations in 2015. The plant uses around 170,000 tonnes of waste wood annually, which was previously exported to the continent. This waste wood is now converted into 23 megawatts of renewable energy. The facility’s construction began in 2012 and was
completed in 2015, with Alltask significantly contributing to insulation and scaffolding services.

Project Overview
Alltask’s role involved insulation, scaffolding, maintenance, planned shutdowns, and emergency works. During an emergency shutdown, Siemens needed to repair a turbine, requiring Alltask to perform several critical tasks under challenging conditions.

Scope of Works
During the emergency shutdown, Alltask removed lagging and disassembled pipework to access all turbines for repairs. In a 24-hour window, detailed working drawings were produced of the lagging schematics due to the absence of ‘as built’ drawings (Operation & Maintenance manuals). Hundreds of brittle insulation panels were carefully handled, numbering, drawing, mapping, cleaning, and storing them before refitting them in their precise order after the turbine repairs.

Outcomes and Benefits
The efficient repair process, facilitated by Alltask’s prompt creation of schematics and careful handling of insulation panels, minimised downtime. The detailed schematics and handling procedures improved future maintenance practices. The plant contributes significantly to sustainable energy production and waste reduction by converting waste wood into renewable energy.

Alltask’s involvement in the Ridham Dock Biomass Plant project showcases our expertise in managing complex insulation and scaffolding tasks under tight deadlines and challenging conditions. Our construction and ongoing maintenance of the plant, supporting its mission to produce renewable energy from waste wood.

Alltask specialises in insulation for condensation control, heat preservation, cryogenic insulation, trace heating, energy saving, temperature protection, and noise control. We specialise in both traditional hand-cutting and modern materials like elastomeric foams and rigid phenolic, PIR, and PUR.

With a fabrication shop at Head Office and a mobile cutting solution that can be used on site which reduces lead times for reactive works in emergency situations.

Service: Insulation Projects